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# Introduction
This program extracts the maximal flood area from either ASCII grid, DHI dfs2 files or DHI dfsu files, intersects these with building and street features and computes flood damage based on damage functions for residential and commercial buildings as well as streets. The tool was developed to implement the methods described in this [report](https://watersensitivecities.org.au/content/flood-damage-assessment-literature-review-recommended-procedure/).
# Setup
## Dependencies
### General Dependencies
* [The code was developed in Python 2.7](https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7)
* The program relies on the python libraries Numpy, Scipy and GDAL. For Windows, installation packages can be downloaded [here](http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/). These are installed using pip.
### DHI specific dependencies
For reading flood results from the DHI formats dfs2 and dfsu, additional libraries need to be included in the Python installation:
* [Pythonnet is required to be able to interact with the MIKE SDK framework.](http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/)
* The appropriate version of the MIKE SDK framework needs to be downloaded from [DHI](https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/download/) and installed on the computer.
* Finally, reading results from dfs2 files currently requires that arcpy is available on the computer, i.e., ArcGIS must be installed. ArcPy is used to compute projected coordinates from the geographic coordinates saved in the dfs2 format.
# Configuration
The program input can (to some extent) be configured through an xml file saved under ./config/config_damage.xml. The file includes the following input parameters:
1. WORKPATH - This is the path were the temporary working directory and the result file will be created.
2. RESFILE - This is the path to the raster/dfs2/dfsu file containing the max flood map.
3. BUILDINGS - This is the path to a GIS file containing building features used for damage computation. This file must have a specific format, see Input Data Specification.
4. ROADS - This is the path to a GIS file containing road features used for damage computation. This file must have a specific format, see Input Data Specification.
5. GREEN - This is the path to a GIS file containing green area features used for damage computation. This file must have a specific format, see Input Data Specification.
6. EXTENT - This is the path to a GIS file containing a single polygon marking the area for which damage computation should be performed. See Input Data Specification.
7. damagefunc - This section contains the depth-damage functions applied. It is separated into subsections containing different functions for buildings, roads and green areas. The building section is further subdivided into subsections for residential, public and commercial buildings.
8. software
# Input Data Specification
# Running the program
# Output |
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