NuGet API changes
from previous student:
At some point in the past there have been made updates to how NuGet downloads and handles packages. Depending on how you set up your Visual Studio environment, NuGet's default package management format will be one of either "PackageReference" or "Packages.config". The latter automatically places NuGet packages in the solution directory (though this, too, can be overridden), the former places them in your user folder (specifically "%Users%[user].nuget"). However, through the use of a nuget.config file, placed in the solution directory, you can force NuGet to place packages at a path of your choosing.
Doing this I have, however, encountered another minor problem: It seems like the older version of FsLexYacc (i.e. 7.0.6) was made to target .NET Framework (up to version 4.8), but not .NET Core. Most people nowadays are probably using .NET Core 3.1 (maybe slightly older). Is there a specific reason why we're using a 2.5 years old version of FsLexYacc? The newest version (10.0.0) was build to target .NET Core applications.
If you're interested I can make a basic project setup, based on your calculator example, add the aforementioned fixes and put it into a public repository. I'll just have to know which version of FsLexYacc we'll be using.
Lets work from here: