Welcome to our gbar-gitlab
(We are fetching "new passwords" from DTU-basen in the beginning of each hour, so if you have just changed your password, you might need to wait a little...)
We have replaced the old rsa-key around 27/08/2023 23:00.
new valid ssh-fingerprints SHA256:3zhgu0LoIcvQK2EaVpFfRidjoSaredKmCS0rk1JjdGA (ED25519) SHA256:DsTMUW2F9qyXx5b4MC1hCpRrupKBuOrn5KlH9OgYovw (RSA)
the old rsa-ssh-fingerprint was: SHA256:zjQZiREOKatcPNb14OBa1lu+QZ4ksWRdSK3/lISNqt8
If ssh is complaining, please delete the old rsa-key with:
ssh-keygen -R gitlab.gbar.dtu.dk
And then reconnect again, check the fingerprint with the fingerprint above and accept the new hostkey(s).